In the past 7 years we have consistently hosted this event, bringing CP Families from all over Nigeria and Health Care Professionals together, providing Free Medical Consultation, Counseling and since 2017, an average of 25 Free CP Wheelchairs.
In an attempt to further help these families stay in touch with each other, we created a Benola CP Family WhatsApp Group which currently has over 120 members and a weekly WhatsApp Chat Forum, 'CP Thursday' where parents as Host, share their CP Journey and answer questions from the House.
From recent interactions in the Group and on the Forum, very little or no consideration was given to Disability Families in the distribution of parliatives by both Government and Private Sector Organisations.
Meanwhile, prices of essentials, like food, medicines and toiletries (Diapers and wipes), have shot through the roof and some of our CP Families are desperately in need of financial assistance which we are unable to meet.
In order to help them out at a time when Covid-19 has made it impossible for us to host our usual Family Forum we plan to raise the sum of ?4 Million only, to be disbursed in ?20,000 installments to 200 CP Families in leu of Paliatives.
Bank Transfers will be used in order to maximize Social-distancing.
Benefitiaries will be drawn from Benola’s CP Families within Nigeria and CP Clinics at Gbagada and Ikorodu General Hospitals, Mercy Street Children's Hospital, LUTH etc, and the funds will be disbursed on Monday, 17th August 2020.
So please, kindly support this noble initiative by Sponsoring/Co-sponsoring a Family or more and while at it, tell a friend to tell a friend. Together, let's do this to the Glory of God! we are the community of people with cerebral palsy. A global community devoted to helping eac...
6th, October 2024, 2:58 pm
Time to register!
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To the Glory of God and the kind support of 31 of our friends, we have crossed the 35.4% margin o...
9th, August 2024, 10:57 am
Today, 26th February 2024, makes it exactly 11 years since that faithful day in 2013 when my wife...
26th, February 2024, 5:54 am
We planned to bless 200 Cerebral Palsy Families who are active participants on Benola's CP Fa...
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What better way to express our sincere appreciation to the Lord Almighty for the success of Ekund...
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Before we draw the curtains on the year, please permit me to express our sincere appreciation to ...
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In the past 10 years and in keeping with Benola's Vision to provide succor for parents of chi...
26th, October 2023, 9:13 am
Earlier today, at Airforce Primary School, Victoria Island, Lagos, Team Benola, led by Prince Mos...
7th, October 2023, 10:59 am