Help Line : +23481 7097 3349

Support Us

How you can help

Being a Non Profit organisation, we rely entirely on voluntary contributions from well-meaning individuals and organisations to carry on this vital work. To help, you may choose any of the options

So support us as generously as you can by making:

  • Donations in cash, or by bank transfer.
  • Give monthly by cheque or bank transfer.
  • Issue a Standing Order to your bank.
  • Give in kind.
  • Help organise a fund raising event.
  • Volunteer to serve in any way you can.
  • Arrange for us to make presentation about Cerebal Palsy to your organisation, club, school, or religious organisation.
  • Help spread the word.

Gifts of nutritional drinks, non-perishable soft drinks, beverages, soft toys, wheelchairs (new or used), toiletries, wipes, diapers, sanitary items, disinfectants, soap and detergents are greatly appreciated and may be dropped off at our office;

Suite 19/20, Praise Plaza,
Ajah/Ado Road, Lekki,
Lagos, Nigeria.
Or call +234 - 01 2954 355 to arrange for collection.


We have five major programs each year

  • Anniversary (CP Symposium) – February 26
  • Benola Day – June 14
  • National Cerebral Palsy Family Forum – August
  • World CP Day (Public Lecture & CP Awareness Walk) – October
  • Christmas Outreach to CP Families and Children in Hospitals – Mid December
International Conferences
American Academy of Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine – Annual Conference European Academy of Childhood Disability – Annual Conference Indian Academy of Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine – Bi-Annual Conference
  • Publications
  • Quarterly Magazine, ‘THE CEREBRAL PALSY EYE’ with a circulation of 2000 and projected to reach 5000 in the near future
  • Various information Handbooks and Flyers on Cerebral Palsy

Help to raise funds

Got an idea for a fund raising project? Do please contact us.

Our account information:

Fidelity Bank Logo
  • Bank Name: Fidelity Bank PLC
  • Account Name: The Benola Cerebral Palsy Initiative
  • Account Number: 5600002929
First Bank Logo
  • Bank Name: First Bank
  • Account Name: Benola Cerebral Palsy Initiative
  • Account Number: 2032068801
GTBank Logo
  • Bank Name: GTBank PLC
  • Account Name: Benola Cerebral Palsy Initiative
  • Account Number: 0161705841

Get Involved

Awareness and information

If you are involved with a Church, Group, School, Club or Organisation whose members or staff are interested in learning more about Cerebral Palsy, please contact us to arrange for a talk or presentation tailored to either young or older audiences.

To arrange a talk, click here to contact us 


Remember, "You are not here merely to make a living. You are here in order to enable the world to live more amply, with greater vision, with a finer spirit of hope and achievement. You are here to enrich the world, and you impoverish yourself if you forget the errand.” – Woodrow T. Wilson (28th President of the United States of America)

So, get involved and enjoy the rewards of knowing you're helping someone less fortunate and while at it, you will also get to enjoy the company of other caring people like you!>

​Tell Your Story

If you or someone you know is living with or caring for someone living with Cerebral Palsy, you will be helping others if you share your experience.

Share your story